5 Most Successful ICOs in Terms of Funds Raised
In this article, you’ll get to understand the new trend in the ecosystem —Initial Coin Offering. This approach has been helping a lot of companies cope up with their businesses and gain more profits with meaningful purpose. Also, you’ll get to know the five most successful ICOs today in terms of funds raised. So, continue reading the information below that can help you become successful in your business.The Rise of Initial Coin OfferingsMost companies started as a small business. They enlarge operations as their bottom line proliferates. Aiming for a goal — quick influx of cash, most traditional companies usually connect to outside investors by offering some stake (stock) in ownership. They go “public” by utilizing Initial Public Offering, known as IPO.With the emergence of cryptocurrency in the ecosystem, the path to growth has been improved. From the traditional IPO, a new approach has risen — Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Popularly known as token sale events, these “crowdsales” are the same like IPOs But, they enable companies to raise reserves for their projects by releasing cryptocurrencies to attracted buyers in the form of crypto tokens.1. EOS: Spread Out EverythingSo far, EOS, a year-long project, is considered the largest Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in history. The highly-anticipated “EOS.IO Software” excites developers in preparing token migration to new EOS wallets. The software has a technology that makes known to a blockchain architecture to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications. Benefits that the software brings include:1.Providing accounts
2.Processing authentication3.Maintaining databases4.Processing asynchronous communication5.And, scheduling of applications across numerous CPU cores and clustersGood to know: The project pursues the possibility of scaling millions of transactions per second, disregarding user fees, and making way for quick and easy deployment of decentralized systems.Additional Info-Token
: EOS-Type
: Payment-Amount raised
: $4.1 billion-ICO Dates
: June 26, 2017 to June 18, 2018-Country
: United States of America-Project
: Smart Contracts 2.TON Telegram ICO: Multi-blockchain Proof-of-Stake Structure 
Photo by Bitcoin Wikia Org
As a multichain architecture presented by Telegram instant messaging service developers, Telegram Open Network (TON) launched a project where institutional stockholders can participate. Designed to host decentralized applications, the platform features the TON wallet — the most adopted cryptocurrency worldwide.According to experts, the ICO organizers have made a remarkable way to boost the speed of efficiency — making “Proof-of-Stake Approach” possible. The TON concentrates to the computing power of its nodes in managing transactions and smart agreements.Good to know: TON Blockchain, the core of the platform, is made up of a master chain and more than 292 supplementary blockchains.Additional Info-Token
: Gram-Type
: Utility-Amount raised
: $1.7 billion-ICO Dates
: February 13, 2018 to March 14, 2018-Country
: British Virgin Islands-Project
: Encrypted Messaging & Blockchain Ecosystem 3.Dragon: A Decentralized Coinage for Casinos & Players Strongly reinforced by a significant business in Macau, Dragon (DRG) is a new digital currency, subsidized upon Ethereum blockchain system. Dragon partner junkets are controlling Dragon’s blockchain facilities.Good to know: Junket operators are the ones who directly negotiate with wealthy gamblers through luxurious travels, lodging upgrades, and other tailored services. Earning through commission for their services, they play a significant role for a large part of the casino’s VIP proceeds. Typically, they represent as bank-like entities, and they offer funds to players and collect debts.Additional Info–Token
: DRG-Type
: Utility / ERC20-Amount raised
: $320 million-ICO Dates
: February 15, 2018 to March 15, 2018-Country
: British Virgin Islands-Project
: Decentralized Currency for Casinos 4.Huobi: A Blockchain-driven Loyalty Point SystemThis project has a goal — “putting users first.” Currently, the company has workplaces in Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the United States. The compliance service teams deliver secure and trustworthy digital asset exchanges and asset management amenities to millions of users in more than 130 countries. The Huobi Group’s sponsors include Sequoia Capital and ZhenFund.Good to know: Huobi has become the biggest digital asset exchange with a global share of 50 percent. Today, the Huobi Group has financed above sixty upstream and downstream conglomerates.Additional Info-Token: HT-Type: ERC20-Amount raised: $300 million-ICO Dates: January 24, 2018 to February 28, 2018-Country: Singapore-Project: Cryptocurrency Exchange 5. Hdac: Blockchain-based Platform Sponsored by Hyundai BS&CHdac pursues improving lives, businesses, and governments. The platform enables IoT units to swiftly and excellently interconnect, manage identity and authentication, store data and process micro-payments. The high-tech viewpoint behind Hdac is to intensify the improvement of M2M transaction environments in daily economic activities, making every transaction seamless and stress-free.Good to know: Hdac is looking forward to evolving into a hybrid blockchain platform that gives a high level of user security through a hardware wallet.Additional Info-Token
: DAC-Type
: UtilityAmount raised
: $258 million-ICO Dates
: November 27, 2017 to December 22, 2017-Country
: IoT Contract & Payment Platform Factors that Determine the Success of an ICOThe four major factors that dictate the success of an ICO project are the following:1.The popularity of the ICO website: According to experts, the ICO’s marketing strategies are playing a vital role in making the project popular. The more traffic the platform gains, the bigger its Alexa rank becomes when compared with other sites. They have observed that those ICOs who are ranking have accumulated much more funds than those projects with a lower rank.2.Activity on Github: To check the value of the code, it can be genuinely determined through Github. Also, you’ll notice that top ICOs have more repository stars. That’s why they receive more money.3.Token distribution percentage: Successful ICOs, typically distribute between 43 to 79 percent of their tokens through the project. 4.The people surrounding the ICO project: This is pretty easy to understand — the ICO project cannot live without its supporters. One More Thing Before You GoAn ICO project is your way to raise resources for your small business. Consider the five most successful ICO projects mentioned above to make your dream become a reality.